The keyboard stack

Here it is, not so much assembled as, erm, stacked. I have cleaned up the contacts, removed a dozen small rust patches from the nickel-plated key cores and anointed the cleaned areas with oil (to limit any further rusting).  Eagle-eyed viewers will notice that the keyboard frames are upside down.  The reason for this is shut up.
This photo has been eaten by a grue

I have a very busy January ahead, so I will probably not be doing much on this project until February.  I am still awaiting the arrival of the second switch sample, which I am hoping will be silent.  If it isn’t, I will revert to the tried-and-trusted Kimber Allen pistons, of which my friendly organ engineer has a stash.  In either case, the next stage will be to drill the piston rails for the extra holes and reassemble the frames.  They keyboards are already matrix wired, so in theory (hah!) it should just be a case of replacing the plug on the ribbon cable.

I woke up this morning to find the dogs curled around each other, fast asleep.  I think we have reached doggy equilibrium.

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