Partially-assembled keyboard stack

Here we go.  Many snippings-out later, and the keyboards are back in their oak frames.  Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair.  While you’re despairing, pay no attention to the clutter on top of the console.

This photo has been eaten by a grue

You will see on the bench a bit of circuit board and what looks like a spinal cord.  This is the matrix for the great manual, which had been carefully – and unaccountably – desoldered from the keyboard before I took possession of the stack.  Next job is to re-solder the 69 wires into their proper place.

After that, I will need to send the pistons off for engraving.  I’ve decided to engrave all of them, unless it turns out expensive, in which case I will not engrave the numbered pistons.  This is not uncommon in traditional English organs, and indeed, the Wyvern organ that was in this case when I bought it (last year) was thus.

Still on target to order the first MIDI bits next month, and then will be the moment of truth – do the keyboards actually work?

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