Further noises of a success-like nature

After much tea and tantrums, soldering, unsoldering, resoldering, snipping wires, and the much more complicated task of unsnipping wires, I now have the choir manual sending coherent MIDI messages to the computer.  It sends NoteOn and NoteOff for notes 39-99.  My joy is only slightly marred by the fact that it should be sending messages for notes 36-96.  Fortunately, that can be corrected by configuring the MIDI controller. I’m just waiting for another bit of MIDI hardware to arrive and I should be able to get on and do exactly that.

Once I’ve established the precise method of configuring the choir manual, I can replicate it (hopefully with a lot less soldering) on the great and swell manuals.  Then I can start doing things with those pistons which have occupied so much of my spare time over the last few months.

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