Below the belt

Recently I have been focusing my activities on what happens below the keyboards.  You can see in the photo that I have now attached neodymium magnets to each of the pedals, and the reed switches are laid out on the bench in front.  The spacing is perfect, so all that remains for me to do is to work out the correct distance between the magnets and the reed switches, and secure the circuit boards accordingly.

This photo has been eaten by a grue

The next step, once the pedalboard is properly assembled, is to secure the manuals to the console and make sure that everything is properly wired-up.  Then I might be able to actually play something.

In other news, I had a visit from organ royalty yesterday, to look at the instrument thusfar assembled and discuss the correct positioning of the swell shoes (increasing their number from two to three) and toe pistons.   Measurements were taken, chins were scratched and the merits of the RCO console specification were reflected upon.  There will be a return visit in the not-too-distant future, for some experimentation.  Then the knee board will be taken away for a gurt big ‘ole to be cut in it.  I am very fortunate to have the advice of such vastly experienced masters of the craft.

Both dogs are now in full moult, and there is a layer of hair over everything.  I have given up trying to keep the house clean, and have settled for keeping the hair down to under waist-deep.

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