An unplanned hiatus has come to an end. Mr Norwich Organs was over this evening, and we gradually dismantled the bottom of the console to extract the kneeboard and toe piston mouldings. My plan is to put in a third expression pedal to control the solo, so the kneeboard and moulding to the right foot side will need to be altered. This may, or may not, result in the loss of one or two toe pistons. However, since I have got rather more than I originally wanted (21 as opposed to 12), I won’t be losing sleep over it. We also discussed power requirements, and a Plan has been hatched.
David thinks he might have a matching expression pedal, which would be ideal. Otherwise, he will find me three other matching pedals from his stash. The hole in the kneeboard will be extended, but by how much depends on which route we take. Once the kneeboard is back in place, the expression pedals can be fitted, and the toe piston mouldings can be rebuilt accordingly.
Quite tired now, and enjoying a cup of tea.