The dogs disapprove of self-isolation.

I think they probably have their own schedules when I’m out at work, and the fact that I’m here all day at the moment is putting them to an inconvenience. I am trying to cause the least amount of fuss by spending the day hunched over my desk in the corner and not drawing attention to myself, but they are clearly displeased.

Here follows the rather short third part of the two-part series on the expression shoes.

On the left is the finished base board for the expression shoes on the right. On the right are the expression shoes to be affixed to the base board on the left.

And here are the choir and solo expression shoes installed on the board. To my vexation, the solo shoe is off-centre by about a quarter of a degree, which means that when both the choir and the solo shoes are closed, the gap between them is very slightly – but noticeably – crooked. However, I am hoping that once they are in their black box behind the kneeboard, this will not be noticeable. Now, if I can only do something to erase the memory of the imperfection from my own mind…

I have to do a little bit more work on the swell shoe, which has come from a different organ. I hope to get it installed tomorrow, and then at the weekend I will have a look at installing it in the console.

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